October/November 2021– All Articles

A COVID Update

Dr. Hood said it best in the September Newsletter: “The opening weeks of a school year are always filled with joy and excitement, and this year, perhaps more than any other, we are collectively feeling that particular joy.” With the help of our school community getting vaccinated, being regularly tested, and protocols and measures such as MyMedBot …

B5: Biden’s Build Back Better Bill

Listen to or read the news right now, and you’ll probably hear about President Biden’s infrastructure bill. Biden and Democrats in Congress finally passed this huge spending package after months of negotiation. On November 15, Biden signed the $1.2 trillion bill into law. So what does that mean for Americans …

Feminism: The ADvocacy for (certain) women’s rights

Feminism, as defined by Oxford Dictionary, is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” Therefore, it’s easy to believe that all women, if not all humans, should be feminists, because why would someone be against the fight for their own equality? It’s this assumption that …


Founders’ Day 2021

Founders’ Day: a long-honored Bryn Mawr tradition where every member of the Bryn Mawr community gathers in the Graduation Garden (or the KVB if we have the misfortune of a rainy day) to celebrate the founding of our school. In recent years, Founders’ Day has become less about the founders of Bryn Mawr …

The purple corner

No matter how big or small, a win is a win and a cause for celebration. But where do we draw the line? Usually, in the sports world, a winning team gives themselves a 24-hr grace period to celebrate before heading back to the film room. All teams deserve this time to gloat, but what about the Baltimore Ravens? Severe injuries …

Mawrtian of the Month: Zawadi Sankofa

This month’s Mawrtian of the Month is senior Zawadi Sankofa! Zawadi (’22) delivered the first fully in-person convocation speech of the school year in which she talked about her struggle with identity as a Black girl at Bryn Mawr and finding her voice.  (Q & A)


Return of in-Person arts at Bryn Mawr

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, live performances have largely been impossible without putting both the performers and the audience at great risk. Although there is still a risk of Covid transmission at any group gathering, many performances have been able to take place as vaccination rates rise. From world tours, to sports games, to school …

AUKUS and Its impact on US-China Relations

On September 15, 2021, the US, UK, and Australia announced a trilateral pact to “maintain peace” in the Indo-Pacific region named AUKUS. While no other country was mentioned explicitly, it can be inferred from current events in that region that the pact exists to counter China. The pact would provide Australia with nuclear-powered submarines …

Social media outages

On Monday, October 4, 2021 at 11:40 a.m., the world fell into a panic. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Oculus stopped working. This anxiety-inducing outage lasted over six hours, impacting everyone from CEOs of high-profile corporations to teens at The Bryn Mawr School. In a blog post, Santosh Janardhan, Facebook’s Vice-President of infrastructure, wrote that the outage …


A name, a body, a brand: How celebrities influence Today’s Youth

Kim Kardashian. This name conjures multiple images, such as her body, her fame, her brand. She recently attended the 2021 Met Gala, an anticipated event renowned for its innovative fashion. Every year, the Met Gala has a set theme for its attendees. This year, the Met Gala chose the theme, “In America: A Lexicon of Fashion, an exploration of the nation’s sartorial identity and a deep dive into American ingenuity." Kim …

Welcome back in-person coordination!

2020-21 is a school year that will not soon be forgotten! In-person school came to a halt, students became virtual Zoom experts overnight, and many families grew closer to family and pets, whether they wanted to or not. However, what BMS students felt the most was having their daily lives completely disrupted and being kept away from friends. Returning to BMS this Fall feels like a breath of fresh air. In addition, in-person …